Thank you for using Churchill Knight Umbrella

Thank you for choosing Churchill Knight Umbrella as your umbrella company.

We provide an industry-leading service that will help ensure your payroll runs without complication. You are now also able to take advantage of a host of wonderful benefits, including free insurance cover, Same Day Faster Payments, and access to My Digital – innovative umbrella software that makes it easy to submit the hours you’ve worked and to view payslips.

Download the official ‘Welcome to Churchill Knight Umbrella’ guide by clicking on the button below. Please read the information within the guide carefully.

Download the welcome guide

Click here

Important Information

You may still be required to complete some of the registration process before we can legally pay you. Please read the Welcome Guide for more information.

Once you have received your My Digital login credentials (please allow 48 hours), you will be able to login and submit the hours you’ve worked. As soon as payslips are made available, you can access them via My Digital too. My Digital is accessible via an online portal, or by downloading the free mobile app.

If you have any questions, please contact, or call 01707 669043.

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