30 March 2020
Update for our Umbrella Clients
As a member of the FSCA, Churchill Knight Umbrella can benefit from their expert advice and…
27 March 2020
What does the IR35 reform delay mean for contractors?
On Tuesday 17th March, the government announced they were delaying the IR35 private sector reform…
26 March 2020
The government announce additional support for the UK’s self-employed
As a result of the deadly spread of COVID-19, Boris Johnson has said it is his responsibility to…
25 March 2020
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the government has unveiled plans to help support the UK’s…
18 March 2020
The government announce delay to off-payroll in the private sector (IR35)
The IR35 private sector reform (off-payroll in the private sector) was set to come into effect on…
17 March 2020
Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd Coronavirus Statement
Business will continue as usual and we have extensive continuity plans in place to allow us to…
13 March 2020
FCSA confirms Churchill Knight has gained coveted accreditation
Having undergone a comprehensive audit and rigorous assessment process, Churchill Knight…
11 March 2020
Budget 2020: What has been announced and is there any important news for contractors?
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has delivered his first Budget in the House of Commons, announcing the…
26 February 2020
Understanding Umbrella Company Holiday Pay
For most contractors, Holiday Pay is an area that causes a lot of confusion when they register with…
10 February 2020
Moving from a Limited Company to an Umbrella Company
There are many reasons why you might consider closing down your limited company and start…