4 February 2020
11.1 million filed their 2018/19 self-assessments on time
Taxpayers once again broke records in 2020, with over 11.1 million customers filing their…
28 January 2020
Important changes to consider for the 2020/2021 tax year
The end of the tax year is fast approaching, and it is important to use the next few months to…
15 January 2020
CES 2020: The innovative and the unusual
The annual Consumer Electronics Show was held in Las Vegas, USA from 6th to 9th January 2020. The…
9 January 2020
Comparing Umbrella Companies: A Limited Company Contractor’s Guide
As a limited company contractor, choosing an umbrella company can be confusing. Read our short…
30 December 2019
5 things for contractors to look out for in 2020
Christmas is over and a new decade has begun. To help jumpstart the New Year and the start of a new…
6 December 2019
A short guide to the Do’s and Don’ts of Self-Assessment Tax Returns
With the tax return deadline fast approaching, some taxpayers encounter issues which cause delays…
3 December 2019
Tax Relief and Expenses: What can you claim this Christmas?
With Christmas fast approaching and the festivities getting into full swing - it's time to consider…
19 November 2019
Talk Money Talk Pensions Week – Be Active in Your Financial Well-being
This week (18th to 22nd November 2019) is Talk Money Talk Pensions Week in the UK. The goal of this…
12 November 2019
Is a limited company right for you?
The two most common ways to get paid as a contractor are starting a limited company, and using an…
24 October 2019
Have you filed your 2018/19 self-assessment?
The deadline to file your 2018/19 self-assessment is less than 100 days away – HMRC is urging…