Churchill Knight blog uncertain future general election 2

An uncertain future awaits after surprise general election results

A lot of voters expected to wake up on the morning of 9 June and discover that Theresa May and her…

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NHS U-turns on blanket IR35 assessment

Outlined in an NHS Improvement update, the NHS backtracked on its previous position that all NHS…

What will the future be for contractors after Brexit?

Contractors and freelancers have plenty riding on the outcome of Brexit. Employment laws,…

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Contractor Tax Planning for Parents: The Child Benefit

The Child Benefit is a government allowance available to parents and guardians to help with the…

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The importance of using a compliant payroll provider as a contractor

As a freelancer or contractor, it is likely you will set up your own limited company or work…

Churchill Knight blog budgeting tips contractors 2

5 Budgeting Tips for Contractors and Freelancers

Contracting can be rewarding both financially and personally – but it does come with some…

Churchill Knight blog IT contractor tax guide 2

The IT Contractor Tax Guide

If you’re an IT professional thinking about contracting, our easy-to-understand IT contractor tax…

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What is an umbrella company? Contractor and Freelancer FAQs

Contracting via umbrella company is widely considered as being the easiest method for contractors…

Can you claim expenses through an umbrella company?

Contractors working through umbrella companies were hit hard by changes in legislation concerning…

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What is a limited company? Contractor FAQs

Many people who either are looking to start their own business, or are a contractor or freelancer…