Save up to 50% off your Personal Tax Return fee by filing early

The new tax year started on 6 April 2016, which means that it is time for you, as a limited company…

Must read books for contractors 2

Five must-read books for contractors and freelancers

They say ‘reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body'. Whether you consider yourself a…

Budget 2015 contractors 2

Here are the top weekend activities for your city

Summer is just around the corner. Whether the weather provides bright sunny days or not there are…

Euro 2016 what to watch

Euro 2016 – what to watch and when

This week sees the start of Euro 2016 in France. With most of the home nations through to the…

The top 9 summer holiday destinations of 2016

Will you be taking a holiday during the summer? If you have a break between contracts or need of…

Brexit affect contracting ability EU 2

Could Brexit affect my ability to contract in the EU?

The EU referendum is coming on 23rd June 2016, where voters will decide whether Britain gets to…

Survey reveals one in ten women lack the confidence to start their own business

A survey published by Development Economics and YouGov has revealed that one out of ten potential…

The must-watch sports for contractors in June

Becoming a contractor is a great career choice for many people who seek flexible working hours and…

How to take control after redundancy

Redundancy is difficult news and a tough challenge to face, but it is important to remember that…

Employee satisfaction is low in the permanent sector

A report produced by Halogen in conjunction with CIPD (the professional body for HR and people…