Contractor type Chinese zodiac 2

What type of contractor are you according to the Chinese zodiac?

Chinese New Year falls on Monday 8th February. In the Chinese lunar calendar, each year is…

What will 2016 have in store for contractors?

2015 was a turbulent year for the contractor industry, with many changes announced to take effect…

Forgot to submit your Personal Tax Return? This is what to do next.

Each year, thousands of people miss the deadline to submit their Personal Tax Returns. This results…

Valentine's Day ideas 2

Top 5 Valentine’s Day date ideas to share with your special someone

With Valentine’s Day coming soon, love is most definitely in the air. Lavish gifts and sharing…


Architecture and design events 2016

2016 promises to be the biggest year yet for architecture and design exhibitions. With events…

Claiming travel expenses 24 month rule 2

Travel and Subsistence changes will cost contractors thousands

With the changes to Travel and Subsistence coming this April, thousands of contractors working…

How will the Apprenticeship Levy affect umbrella company contractors?

In the 2015 Autumn Statement, George Osborne announced an Apprenticeship Levy that will come into…

Switching from umbrella to limited 2

How easy is it to switch from an Umbrella Company to a Limited Company?

Recent changes to legislation have led many contractors to ask: how easy is it to leave my umbrella…

Will you join the thousands who miss the Personal Tax Return deadline?

A Personal Tax Return must be completed by contractors, sole traders, self-employed individuals and…

SEO contractor tips websites 2

SEO Tips for Contractors to use on their websites

The internet is a vital tool for modern contractors in all kinds of industries, and promoting your…