Engineering Events 2016 2

Autumn Statement 2014: Key Points for Contractors

During the delivery of his statement, George Osborne proudly declared the ongoing decrease of…

Autumn statement 2014 final statement 2

Autumn Statement 2014: Chancellor George Osborne’s Final Statement Before Election

The Chancellor George Osborne delivered his final Autumn Statement of this Parliament amid ongoing…

Late tax returns HMRC 2

RECs CEO: “Recruitment Industry to thrive within next 5 years”

Following his presentation at Recruitment Live, in which he described the changing world of work…

What is a Directors Loan 2

Annual Party Tax Exemption

To give a little back, HMRC allows a tax exemption to Limited Companies for each employee up to the…

Budget 2014 contractors recruiters 2

Onshore Intermediaries Legislation

Further to publication of the Onshore Intermediaries Legislation and proposed reporting…

Top 10: A Contractor’s Ultimate Gadget Wishlist

On the move constantly, no specific desk for more than a couple of months let alone office space.…

Russell K Lewis experience 2

Insider View Point: Russell K. Lewis’ Experience with Churchill Knight & Associates

Russell K. Lewis : "Ultimately using an Umbrella Company did not maximise my take home pay which is…

Contractor self employed maternity pay 2

Contractor News: UK’s first self-employed ambassador announced & Maternity pay for self-employed mothers

Following the celebration of National Freelancer Day on Wednesday 19th November earlier this month,…

5 Tips on Working Effectively from Home as a Contractor

Some would say working from home is a luxury however others may find it hard to concentrate and…

self-assessment and tax credits 2

In the Know: The Flat Rate Scheme Explained

The Flat Rate Scheme is a VAT option a business or company can opt into to determine the way in…