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Following the celebration of National Freelancer Day on Wednesday 19th November earlier this month, the Government announced the appointment of David Morris MP as the UK’s first ambassador for the self-employed community. Mr Morris will be the go-to man for freelancers and contractors throughout the UK, which can only mean good news for this ever-growing workforce.
The MP himself, previously elected as MP for Morecambe & Lunesdale, responded to the announcement by stating “It was an honour to be appointed as the Governments self-employed ambassador by the Prime Minister. As a self-employed businessman myself, for nearly 30 years before I came into Parliament I know only too well how Government’s policy affects those who are self-employed. I believe our self-employed and small businessmen are the lifeblood for the economic recovery and believe that stripping back the burden of red tape and taxation will allow freelancers to flourish”.
In other news following National Freelancer Day, the Government have also announced plans to consider introducing maternity pay for self-employed mothers. This consideration has come about due to the ongoing rise of the self-employed community, which now equates to around 15% of the entire UK workforce. We predict that these figures will continue to rise, especially on the female side, if this pay is confirmed and introduced officially meaning extra support and financial security for those choosing to go it alone and continuing to expand the family base.
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