Liam Thomas Experience

Liam Thomas: “I would recommend Churchill Knight as their services are efficient and they are always open to customers asking questions.”

Name: Liam Thomas

Job Title: IT Consultant

Contracting for: 8 years

Previous Accountants: Umbrella company

Reason for Change: My daily rate and contract expenses achieved what I considered to be a viable point in order to afford the accountancy fees, over an umbrella company admin fee.

Why Churchill Knight?: Churchill Knight were referred to me by my agency. I ultimately chose to go with them as they clearly outlined what they would do for me and how much it would cost.

Service Pointers: The expanding online Client Web Portal means I no longer have to keep carefully filed spreadsheets. I can now review some of the content online, or by use of the confirmation emails.

Highly Recommended: I would recommend Churchill Knight as their services are efficient and they are always open to customers asking questions. I have found them to be responsive to requests and helpful with queries that are outside of my area of knowledge.

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