Churchill Knight Umbrella completed the annual FCSA audit (May 2024) and is pleased to announce that our FCSA accreditation has been renewed for another year.

What is the FCSA, and what does the accreditation mean?

The Freelancer and Contractor Services Association (FCSA) is a professional body that aims to ensure all parties in the supply chain can expect the highest levels of compliance and transparency from FCSA members. For an organisation to obtain FCSA membership, it must pass a series of audits and assessments to prove it adheres to the FCSA’s strict standards outlined in the Code of Compliance.

For contractors and freelancers, recruitment agencies, and end hirers, the FCSA Code of Compliance and certification provides complete peace of mind that the umbrella company they choose to use maintains and practices the highest level of professional and ethical standards in the UK. Using an FCSA-accredited umbrella company for your payroll ensures that your pay will be processed in accordance with UK tax law and HMRC regulations.

Churchill Knight Umbrella is committed to compliance

Ciaran Woodcock, Director at Churchill Knight Umbrella, said the following on the back of Churchill Knight Umbrella’s renewed FCSA accreditation.

“I am thrilled that Churchill Knight Umbrella has had its FCSA accreditation renewed for another year, having successfully passed the annual audit review. We have always taken compliance seriously, and combined with our SafeRec certification; I think Churchill Knight Umbrella is setting the standards within our sector. Our transparent approach is why so many contractors trust us to process their payroll and why we are on so many Preferred Supplier Lists with our trusted partnered recruitment agencies.

The FCSA is still seen as a compliance quality standard that remains valuable within the sector. Having passed our annual review, we have successfully proved that our internal processes comply with UK tax law and that our umbrella employees are in the best hands. Therefore, by choosing Churchill Knight Umbrella as a partner or payroll provider, you are selecting an umbrella that is always committed to compliance and is always up to speed with the latest industry developments.”

View Churchill Knight Umbrella’s FCSA listing

Churchill Knight Umbrella’s official FCSA listing is available to view on the FCSA’s website. Please click on the link below to view our official member listing:

If you represent a recruitment agency and would like a copy of our latest FCSA certificate, please call our Agency Support Team on 0808 2525533.

Contact us today to discuss our FCSA accredited umbrella company

Churchill Knight Umbrella is committed to providing a transparent and compliant payroll service to contractors and freelancers in the UK. Since we launched in 2016, we have quickly become one of the most popular payroll providers and help thousands of workers get paid every week. Our FCSA accreditation is a testament to the highest standards of compliance that our business operations adhere to, and this is why many contractors choose Churchill Knight Umbrella – they know they are registering with a provider they can trust.

To request a take-home pay calculation or to begin the registration process, please call our expert team on 01707 871622. You can also request a callback at a time that suits you, and a member of the team will contact you to discuss our service with you.

If you represent a recruitment agency and would like to learn more about Churchill Knight Umbrella and add us to your Preferred Supplier List, please call our Agency Sales Team on 0808 2525533. A team member can answer any questions you may have and provide you with our FCSA certificate and compliance pack.