26 April 2018
Download your free 2018 World Cup Wall Chart
To help you get into the spirit of this summer’s World Cup in Russia, the Churchill Knight Marketing Team has designed a 2018 World Cup Wall Chart for you to download - for free.
26 April 2018
Download your free 2018 World Cup Sweepstake Kit
What better way to get into the World Cup spirit than to download the Churchill Knight 2018 World Cup Sweepstake Kit? Download and print the free Churchill Knight A4 Sweepstake Kit and have fun with your colleagues, friends and family.
13 April 2018
Still haven’t paid your self-assessment tax bill?
The deadline for filing self-assessment tax returns for the 2016/17 tax year was midnight on 31st January 2018. Any personal tax payments due also needed to be paid by this deadline. Have you still not filed your return or paid your self-assessment tax bill?
4 April 2018
HMRC testing of IR35 ‘CEST’ tool was not fully documented
According to a Freedom for Information request by contractor resource firm Contractor Calculator, HMRC has admitted to not holding any detailed evidence that its own IR35 status check tool was tested for accuracy.
22 March 2018
Are you ready for the new tax year?
The new tax year will once again roll around on 6 April 2018. There are just a few weeks to prepare for incoming tax changes; our blog highlights some key changes for limited company contractors and freelancers.
14 March 2018
Spring Statement 2018 Summary
13th March saw Chancellor Philip Hammond deliver his first Spring Statement – a miniature announcement compared to the Autumn Budget.
8 March 2018
Celebrating Women in Business and Self-Employment – International Women’s Day
Each year on the 8th of March, International Women’s Day takes place to celebrate the achievements of women, and to promote gender parity.
23 February 2018
IR35 and the Private Sector – HMRC’s Consultation
It’s close to a year since the government rolled out off-payroll working rules for the public sector in April 2017. The government has implied over the last few months that if the public sector IR35 rules work, they would be adapted and rolled out to the private sector.
14 February 2018
5 Reasons to love being a contractor or freelancer
Having a permanent position in a company gives you stability, financial security and routine. However none of this means anything if you don’t love what you do.
1 February 2018
Did you miss the self-assessment deadline?
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) reported that a record-breaking 10.7 million filed their 2016/17 self-assessments before the midnight 31st January deadline. Were you one of the 6.5% who missed the deadline?