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Why is contracting such a popular way of working?

There is a lot of talk about ‘creating a level playing field’ by taxing the self-employed at the same level as regular employees, and giving ‘gig economy’ workers the same rights as their employed counterparts. But why is contracting so popular that it attracts such a high level of attention?

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Think-tank calls to halt UK Corporation Tax cuts

The OECD – the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development – is urging Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond to halt plans of cutting Corporation Tax, in order to generate funding to tackle the UK’s productivity crisis.

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HMRC’s ‘Simple Assessments’ may not be as simple as they seem

HMRC are implementing a new self-assessment system to supposedly make ‘life easier for millions of customers’ who are required to submit Personal Tax Returns. However, experts have highlighted some possible issues with this new way of completing Tax Returns.

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Autumn Budget 2017: What you need to know

As you may know, this November will see the second Budget published in 2017. Here is everything you need to know about the Autumn Budget 2017.

The Top 2017/18 Events Contractors Can’t Miss – By Industry

As an independent professional, contractors and freelancers have to be at the top of their respective fields in terms of knowledge and expertise. This means you should take advantage of any opportunities that come your way to enhance your knowledge as a professional.

Five ways to foster strong relationships with your clients

You may see contracting as a temporary job, but you would be surprised at how you could benefit from viewing your client as not just another ‘employer’ or ‘contract provider’, but as a business relationship that needs to be nurtured.

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The NHS is spending £100m on a recruitment drive

The NHS is facing a critical staffing crisis in 2017, with the number of unfilled postings for positions such as doctors, nurses and midwives on the rise. This has led to a £100 million recruitment windfall for recruitment agencies to fill these positions.

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The public sector is feeling the effects of IR35 reform

Since the off-payroll rules for intermediaries in the public sector came into effect on 6 April 2017, there seems to have been a mass exodus of contractors and temporary workers from the public sector. IT and technology have suffered in particular, with government projects reportedly facing delays.

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Say hello to Churchill Knight Rewards for umbrella clients

Are you a client of Churchill Knight Umbrella, or looking for an umbrella payroll service? If so, here’s another great reason to choose Churchill Knight Umbrella.

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Common Personal Tax Return mistakes and how to avoid them

If you’re a director of your own limited company or a secondary shareholder of a limited company, you’re required to fill out and submit a Personal Tax Return, aka a self-assessment, to HMRC. Here are some common mistakes made when completing tax returns, and how to avoid them.