Contractor self employed maternity pay 2

Contractor News: UK’s first self-employed ambassador announced & Maternity pay for self-employed mothers

Following the celebration of National Freelancer Day on Wednesday 19th November earlier this month,…

5 Tips on Working Effectively from Home as a Contractor

Some would say working from home is a luxury however others may find it hard to concentrate and…

self-assessment and tax credits 2

In the Know: The Flat Rate Scheme Explained

The Flat Rate Scheme is a VAT option a business or company can opt into to determine the way in…

Director limited company responsibilities 2

Auto-Enrolment Pension Scheme

Recent legislation regarding auto-enrolment into workplace pensions for employees has been brought…

Churchill Knight blog childcare vouchers 2

The Childcare Voucher Scheme and Tax-Free Childcare for limited company contractors

As a Director of a limited company you are able to claim a percentage of the costs of childcare as…

Social media contractors 2

Social Media: The Modern Marketing Tool for Contractors

In a recent Social Media Survey sent to our clients, over 60% of the Contractors asked currently…

Child benefit charge high income 2

In the Know: High Income Child Benefit Charge

As of January 2013 the Government changed the rules regarding high earners and the possible charge…

Insurance for contractors covered 2

Insurance for Contractors: Do you have your back covered?

For some Contractors business insurance is a requirement from their Agency or a contract condition…

Claiming mileage limited company 2

On the Road: Claiming Mileage through your Limited Company

One of the most popular and utilised expenses that Contractors running Limited Companies claim for…

Payments on account needed 2

Payments on Account: Do you need to make them?

Payments on Account crop up and are calculated within one’s Self Assessment (otherwise known as a…