Please use the instant umbrella company calculator below to understand your earning potential as an employee of Churchill Knight Umbrella.

Once you have set your rate of pay, you can then click on the button “request tailored calculation” to request a free, fully tailored umbrella company calculation based entirely on your circumstances. Alternatively, please call our friendly Sales Consultants on 01707 871622.

Churchill Knight Umbrella calculator

Please use the sliding bar below to see your earning potential with Churchill Knight Umbrella, and complete the short form to request a free, tailored calculation*. You can change your rate of pay easily. Alternatively, please call our friendly Sales Team on 01707 871622.

CIS Calculator

Editable content about the calculator goes here...

Daily Rate of Pay: Please wait, preparing offer for you...

Take Home Pay

Daily Rate
Umbrella (Monthly)

*See calculator disclaimer here.