Umbrella company FAQs

We've written answers for dozens of the most frequently asked questions about umbrella companies.

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Are you ready for the 2016 Budget?

As your contractor accountants in London, we keep you updated with the latest changes in…

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The Autumn Statement – the Fall of Umbrella Companies

Today’s Autumn Statement 2015 was a hotly anticipated event. The Chancellor was expected to confirm…

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The Budget: What it really means and how it affects contractors

Yesterday’s Emergency Budget delivered several important announcements that will affect…

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The Top 10 Personal Tax Changes Affecting Contractors This Year

The 2015/16 tax year has begun and with this comes changes to the tax system within the UK.…

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Year-End Tax Guide 2014/15

A short guide to rates, relief and allowances available for use by 5th April 2015.

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Autumn Statement 2014: Chancellor George Osborne’s Final Statement Before Election

The Chancellor George Osborne delivered his final Autumn Statement of this Parliament amid ongoing…

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In the Know: High Income Child Benefit Charge

As of January 2013 the Government changed the rules regarding high earners and the possible charge…

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Budget 2014: How it’s affected contractors and recruiters

Heckled and cat called throughout his hour long Budget announcement, the Chancellor George Osborne…

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