The Benefits Of Filing Your Tax Return Early FI

The benefits of filing your Tax Return early

Completing a tax return can be time-consuming and often stressful – especially if you decide to put…

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Summer Budget 2020 FI

Summer Statement 2020: The Chancellors Key Announcements

Rishi Sunak unveils stamp duty holiday, furlough bonus and VAT cuts in the hospitality sector as…

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Umbrella companies: What is fact and what is fake news?

The coronavirus pandemic has put monumental stress on key workers in the UK, including NHS staff,…

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How to Claim using the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

As a way of supporting businesses and employees throughout the UK during the unprecedented…

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Why is my umbrella take home pay illustration different to my actual net take home?

Umbrella companies will provide you with an illustration to give you an idea of what your take home…

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Budget 2020: What has been announced and is there any important news for contractors?

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has delivered his first Budget in the House of Commons, announcing the…

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Changes To Look Out For In The 2020/21 Tax Year FI

Important changes to consider for the 2020/2021 tax year

The end of the tax year is fast approaching, and it is important to use the next few months to…

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Comparing Umbrella Companies A Limited Company Contractors Guide FI

Comparing Umbrella Companies: A Limited Company Contractor’s Guide

As a limited company contractor, choosing an umbrella company can be confusing. Read our short…

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A Short Guide To The Do's And Don'ts Of Self Assessment Tax Returns FI

A short guide to the Do’s and Don’ts of Self-Assessment Tax Returns

With the tax return deadline fast approaching, some taxpayers encounter issues which cause delays…

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Is a limited company right for you?

The two most common ways to get paid as a contractor are starting a limited company, and using an…

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