An introduction to Churchill Knight Umbrella
Churchill Knight Umbrella is a SafeRec-certified, FCSA-accredited, and leading PAYE umbrella company. Since we launched in 2017, we have quickly become one of the most popular umbrella companies in the UK. We help thousands of contractors and freelancers get paid compliantly every month.
We’re delighted to have partnered with some of the leading recruitment agencies in the UK. By partnering with us, you’re teaming up with an umbrella company backed by over 25 years of industry experience and a proven track record. Most new clients are referred to us by a recruitment agency or an existing happy client, which is a testament to our customer service.
If you are looking for a compliant umbrella company to partner with, look no further.

Resources exclusively created for professionals in recruitment
We have created a Recruiters Zone on our website and it is full of resources to help professionals working in recruitment, including:
- Recruiters Blog – A collection of articles written on important legislation and news affecting the UK recruitment sector.
- Legislation guides – Multiple guides written on legislation impacting recruitment agencies and temporary workers. Topics include IR35, Agency Worker Regulations, the Apprenticeship Levy, and more.
- PSL – Useful advice to help your agency collate a dependable preferred supplier list (PSL).
- Information on our FCSA accreditation and SafeRec certification – It’s essential that recruitment agencies refer candidates to compliant umbrella companies because the consequences could be severe. Churchill Knight Umbrella is accredited by the FCSA and certified by SafeRec. Therefore, by referring candidates to us, you are protecting both your agency and your candidates.
- Reasons to refer to Churchill Knight Umbrella – There are many reasons you should refer candidates to Churchill Knight, and we’ve summarised them for you.
FCSA accredited
Churchill Knight Umbrella is proudly accredited by the Freelancer & Contractor Services Association (FCSA). The FCSA is a leading professional body committed to ensuring the supply chain of temporary workers is ethical and compliant with UK tax law and HMRC legislation. To achieve this prestigious accreditation, we underwent comprehensive audits by independent employment and legal professionals.
FCSA accreditation says it all—its members are compliant and ethical and have your agencies’ and candidates’ best interests at heart. To view Churchill Knight Umbrella’s official FCSA listing, please click here.

SafeRec certification
Powered by AI, SafeRec’s auditing software is revolutionising compliance within the contractor payroll sector. Every time we process a payslip for our employees, the software cross-references the payslip with RTI payments sent to HMRC to check that they are compliant and that there are no signs of malpractice.
Every time Churchill Knight Umbrella pays an employee, they are sent a payslip audit report, and you will receive a monthly report outlining the results of every payment we’ve processed for your candidates to check that we are operating ethically.
SafeRec has been extremely well received in the sector because it helps companies hiring temporary workers remain compliant with complex legislation such as the Criminal Finances Act. Companies can receive real-time information on the payslips produced by umbrella companies they refer to. If an umbrella is paying employees unethically, agencies will be alerted immediately, helping them identify malpractice the moment it occurs.
Sharing our knowledge with recruitment agencies
As a leading PAYE umbrella company, we are responsible for keeping our recruitment agency partners up to date with the latest legislation. Compliance with legislation is critical, and failure to abide by HMRC rules and regulations could result in severe repercussions for businesses like yours.
To help recruitment agencies, we have created the Churchill Knight Recruiters Zone. This area of our website is dedicated to professionals working within the recruitment sector. Here, you will find important information on legislation, tips on how to remain compliant with HMRC, information on how to collate and manage your Preferred Supplier List (PSL), advice for your candidates, and even our own dedicated Recruiters Blog. We recommend you visit this frequently to keep updated with the latest news affecting your industry.
Recruiters legislation guides – created exclusively for professionals in recruitment
Churchill Knight Umbrella has created a series of Recruiters Legislation Guides – exclusively for professionals working in recruitment. Our guides cover all of the critical legislation you need to be aware of, including IR35 (off-payroll in the public and private sector), Agency Worker Regulations (AWR), Offshore Intermediaries, the Targeted Anti-Avoidance Rule (TAAR), the Loan Charge, the Criminal Finances Act, and more.
Please click here to view all of our Recruiters Legislation Guide.

Why partner with Churchill Knight Umbrella?
We’re delighted to work with hundreds of recruitment agencies throughout the UK. By partnering with us, you’re teaming up with an umbrella company you can trust. We’ve built a reputation we’re proud of, and you can be assured that your recruitment agency, consultants, and candidates will become our priority.
Here are a few reasons why you should partner with Churchill Knight Umbrella:
- Agencies cannot afford to have a non-compliant payroll provider on their PSL, and we are incredibly proud that Churchill Knight Umbrella has achieved the prestigious FCSA accreditation. You can refer your candidates to us with total peace of mind.
- Being a SafeRec certified umbrella company gives our recruitment agency partners a huge benefit because they can check the payslips of the candidates we process payroll for and prove to the entire supply chain that they are only referring candidates to a compliant provider. This provides an additional layer of protection against legislation such as the Criminal Finances Act.
- We are partnered with IR35 specialists who can help your end client and your agency with IR35 assessments, Status Determination Statements, and more!
- When you partner with Churchill Knight Umbrella, you will have a dedicated Business Development Manager and Account Manager to support your business and your candidates. You will also have access to our Payroll and Compliance Team, who will be happy to answer questions you may have.
- We make it our priority to stay up-to-date with the latest news and legislation affecting the supply of temporary workers, and our Agency Team would be happy to deliver training at your office for Consultants who want to learn more.
- Your candidates are your priority, and we respect this. You have our word – they’ll become our priority too. We recently established an Onboarding Department to ensure your candidates’ registration is seamless, and we always go the extra mile to ensure the service we deliver is beyond expectations.
- We work in a highly regulated industry and take our compliance very seriously. However, it is also great to have some fun along the way! When you partner with us, you will have access to various fun and exciting competitions with the chance to win fantastic prizes. Keep an eye out for emails and social media posts.
Arrange a meeting with our Agency Team
Compliance within the contractor payroll sector has never been so important. Your agency must have a PSL exclusively containing compliant umbrella companies with the best practices in place and a perfect track record. Churchill Knight Umbrella is accredited by the FCSA and certified by SafeRec. Therefore, by referring candidates to us, you can be confident that your business and contractors are in the safest hands.
Our highly trained Business Development Team is located throughout the UK and would be delighted to visit your office and discuss the many benefits of working together. Please call 0808 2525533 to schedule a meeting with one of our team members at a convenient time or email

Compliance will always be our priority
Churchill Knight Umbrella is proud to be one of the first UK umbrella companies with both an accreditation from the FCSA and SafeRec Certification. We're partnered with hundreds of agencies who equally value compliance and service, and we ensure all of the temporary candidates (contractors and freelancers) that are referred to us receive an exceptional payroll experience - from the initial calculation we provide them to processing their pay for the first time.

The FCSA is the UK’s leading professional body committed to ensuring the compliance of the supply chain of temporary workers.

SafeRec is revolutionary, and having a PSL exclusively composed of SafeRec certified umbrella companies will protect your business and candidates.