Churchill Knight Umbrella is an FCSA-accredited member
The Freelancer and Contractor Services Association (FCSA) accredits Churchill Knight Umbrella for our PAYE umbrella service.
FCSA accreditation demonstrates to contractors, freelancers, and recruitment agencies that Churchill Knight Umbrella acts professionally and ethically in accordance with UK tax, regulatory, and employment laws.
You can view Churchill Knight Umbrella’s official FCSA listing on the FCSA’s website.

Churchill Knight Umbrella is committed to compliance
Churchill Knight Umbrella completed the annual FCSA audit (May 2024) and is pleased to announce that our FCSA accreditation has been renewed for another year.
Ciaran Woodcock, Director at Churchill Knight Umbrella, said the following on the back of Churchill Knight Umbrella’s FCSA accreditation.
“I am thrilled that Churchill Knight Umbrella has had its FCSA accreditation renewed for another year, having successfully passed the annual audit review. We have always taken compliance seriously, and combined with our FCSA certification; I think Churchill Knight Umbrella is setting the standards within our sector. Our transparent approach is why so many contractors trust us to process their payroll and why we are on so many Preferred Supplier Lists with our trusted partnered recruitment agencies.
The FCSA is still seen as a compliance quality standard that remains valuable within the sector. Having passed our annual review, we have successfully proved that our internal processes comply with UK tax law and that our umbrella employees are in the best hands. Therefore, by choosing Churchill Knight Umbrella as a partner or payroll provider, you are selecting an umbrella that is always committed to compliance and is always up to speed with the latest industry developments.”
FCSA members are audited to ensure the highest standards of compliance
To become an FCSA-accredited member, Churchill Knight Umbrella had to undergo a rigorous assessment of our business operations, policies and processes to ensure adherence to FCSA’s Code of Compliance. A copy of the audit report is also sent to HMRC for complete transparency.
All FCSA members must pass annual audits and compliance checks to retain their accredited status. Independent accountants and solicitors conduct these checks and assure recruitment agencies and contractors that Churchill Knight Umbrella continues to meet FCSA’s Code of Compliance requirements.

Adding us to your agency PSL is an easy decision
Operating compliantly with HMRC rules and regulations is critical, and recruitment agencies refer their candidates to a non-compliant payroll provider. Choosing Churchill Knight Umbrella to be on your agency’s PSL is a wise and risk-free decision. As an FCSA-accredited umbrella company, you know that our internal processes comply with HMRC, and we have proven this through thorough assessments and an independent audit. Adding us to your PSL saves you the hassle of having the vet new payroll providers – because the FCSA has already done this for you!
Please click here to find out why you should partner with Churchill Knight Umbrella and refer to us.
What are the benefits of using an FCSA-accredited umbrella company?
Plenty of benefits are available to both your agency and your candidates when you engage with an FCSA-accredited umbrella company. You can both benefit from the following:
- A compliant service which abides by UK tax law and HMRC regulations
- Prompt notification of issues affecting the sector
- Support and guidance on legislation changes
- Access to expert knowledge and advice

What can Churchill Knight Umbrella do for your candidates?
Your candidates can benefit from the following when they join Churchill Knight Umbrella.
Dedicated Account Manager
We believe in building professional relationships. Your candidates will have their own account manager throughout their time with us to ensure they are happy with the service provided.
Free and tailored consultation
Your candidates must understand their options and the service we offer before they complete the registration process. If you have a candidate interested in using our umbrella service, our expert consultants will provide an informative consultation and tailored take-home pay calculation.
Access to a range of services
We specialise in umbrella payroll and have a range of services to suit contractors with different requirements. Alongside traditional PAYE umbrella, we also offer a CIS payroll service for your CIS workers. If your candidates want to boost their private pensions tax-efficiently, our salary sacrifice service could be beneficial.
Thorough onboarding process and payroll support
Our in-house Onboarding Department will ensure your candidates are set up quickly and ready to be paid. They will also receive ongoing support from our Umbrella Customer Service Team.
Easy registration
Registering with Churchill Knight Umbrella is simple. You can refer a candidate to us via our online form or directly to our Agency Team by calling 0808 2525533. We can sign them up efficiently, and it won’t take long.
Support throughout their time with us
We understand that industry and legislation changes can be confusing. Your candidates will benefit from informative, proactive advice on any changes that could affect them throughout their time with us.
Arrange a meeting with our Agency Team
Compliance within the contractor payroll sector has never been so important. Your agency must have a PSL exclusively containing compliant umbrella companies with the best practices in place and a perfect track record. Churchill Knight Umbrella is accredited by the FCSA and certified by SafeRec. Therefore, by referring candidates to us, you can be confident that your business and contractors are in the safest hands.
Our highly trained Business Development Team is located throughout the UK and would be delighted to visit your office and discuss the many benefits of working together. Please call 0808 2525533 to schedule a meeting with one of our team members at a convenient time or email