Yes – Churchill Knight Umbrella is a SafeRec Certified Umbrella Company.

Our SafeRec Certification has plenty of benefits for our umbrella company employees. Firstly, every time we process an employee’s payroll, they can access an AI-powered payslip audit to review all the figures and deductions. Using a traffic light system, payslips audit everything on the payslip and clarify whether the figures are accurate and compliant, or if any signs of malpractice or unexplained deductions have occurred.

Secondly, SafeRec puts the power in the hands of contractors and freelancers. By using a SafeRec Certified Umbrella Company, you can check your payslips every time you’re paid, allowing you to work on your temporary assignments with complete peace of mind. SafeRec Certified Umbrella Companies are committed to compliance, and the certification will enable them to prove that all processes are following HMRC’s rules and regulations.

With so many umbrella companies in the UK to choose from (over 500), picking one with a SafeRec Certification will make your search considerably more straightforward because you can be confident you are selecting an umbrella that truly values compliance and transparency. Just over a dozen umbrellas in the UK have SafeRec Certification, but the number is growing quickly.

The following links provide more helpful information about SafeRec Certification:

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