Registering with an umbrella company is incredibly easy, and we’ve produced a short step-by-step guide to help you understand the process.

How to register with an umbrella company

If you want to register with an umbrella company, please follow the steps below.

  1. Find an FCSA-accredited and SafeRec certified umbrella company and request a take-home pay illustration. It is also a great idea to ask the umbrella company about how the service works, payments and deductions and what information you need to provide to register.
  2. To register with an umbrella company, you can call them and register over the phone or via an online registration form on their website. If you would like to register with Churchill Knight Umbrella, please call 01707 871622 or complete our online registration form, and we’ll call you back to complete the sign-up process.
  3. Once you’ve registered with the umbrella company, please let your recruitment agency or end client know who you have registered with. The umbrella company will also contact your recruitment agency or end client to let them know you have registered. Your recruitment agency or client will enter into an agreement with the umbrella company, and each will sign a contract agreeing to the terms of the business relationship.
  4. Shortly after registration, the umbrella company will send you a welcome email which will provide important information about the service and explain the next steps to complete to ensure you are onboarded and ready to be paid.
  5. To ensure the umbrella company can pay you, you must provide the following documents: a signed contract of employment, a copy of a P45 or completed Starter Checklist for PAYE, and proof of your identity and right to work in the UK.
  6. When working on your assignment, you may be required to submit the hours you have worked to your umbrella company. Most umbrella companies ask you to submit your timesheets via email or a portal. If you are an employee of Churchill Knight Umbrella, please submit your timesheet via My Digital. It is important to note that not all recruitment agencies or clients require you to submit a timesheet to the umbrella company. However, you may still be required to submit one to your agency or client. Please check with your umbrella company if you need clarification.
  7. On the day you are due to be paid, your recruitment agency or end client will send the funds to your umbrella company for the hours you’ve worked. The umbrella company will process the payment and make the relevant tax deductions before making a net payment (minus tax deductions) into your bank account. You will also be sent a payslip.
  8. If you are an employee of Churchill Knight Umbrella, you will also receive a payslip audit report from Payslip Buddy, which will be emailed to you. Payslip Buddy (powered by SafeRec) is free for all Churchill Knight Umbrella employees and allows you to check that we are paying you correctly and compliantly.

Contact Churchill Knight Umbrella today

Are you interested in registering with Churchill Knight Umbrella? Churchill Knight Umbrella is an FCSA-accredited and SafeRec Certified umbrella company providing contractors and freelancers with a compliant payroll service.

If you want to learn more about Churchill Knight Umbrella or would like to register to our umbrella service, please call us on 01707 871622. You can also schedule a call, and a team member will contact you.

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