When you register with Churchill Knight Umbrella and become an employee of ours, you’re joining a SafeRec Certified Umbrella Company. There are plenty of reasons why this is great news, as outline below.

SafeRec is revolutionising compliance within the sector – SafeRec Certification means non-compliant umbrella companies have nowhere to hide. Every time an employee of a SafeRec Certified umbrella is paid, they have access to an AI-powered payslip audit, which checks all the figures and deductions are correct and compliant with HMRC’s rules and regulations. Should the audit flag any potential signs of malpractice, the entire supply chain is made aware. Put simply – the whole supply chain can be confident that contractors and freelancers are being paid compliantly because, should something unethical arise, the umbrella has nowhere to hide.

Payslip audits every time you are paid – When you use a SafeRec Certified Umbrella Company, you will have access to a payslip audit every time you are paid (provided by Payslip Buddy – powered by SafeRec). These audits will review the figures on your payslip and check all the numbers are accurate and compliant with HMRC’s rules and regulations. Payslip audits will check  all deductions, including the umbrella company’s margin, income tax, employee’s National Insurance Contributions (NIC), pension contributions, student loan repayments and the employment costs. Should anything suspicious arise, you will be made aware immediately, and so will the supply chain. Therefore, you can be confident you’ve been paid correctly every time.

Peace of mind and transparency – SafeRec Certified Umbrella Companies give you, the contractor and umbrella employee, peace of mind and transparency. Rather than taking the word of an umbrella that they are “compliant”, engaging with one with SafeRec Certification means you will be presented with supporting evidence (ongoing payslip audits every time you are paid). And, if an umbrella is not compliant despite having SafeRec Certification, you’ll be made aware.

No additional cost – Access to SafeRec’s technology and Payslip Buddy is included in your umbrella company’s standard margin. There are no additional costs for this revolutionary software.

SafeRec can identify “suspicious activity, such as salary skimming”

Upon achieving SafeRec Certification, Ciaran Woodcock, a director at Churchill Knight Umbrella, said:

“I am delighted that Churchill Knight Umbrella is a Certified SafeRec Umbrella Company. By incorporating SafeRec’s valuable AI into Churchill Knight Umbrella’s business model, we are helping promote compliance throughout the supply chain. Firstly, SafeRec provides all our employees with real-time reports for every umbrella company payslip we provide them since becoming a certified member. This level of transparency has never been seen in the sector before.”

“SafeRec is capable of identifying suspicious activity, such as salary skimming. With the industry having undergone recent scrutiny, this is extremely valuable and will provide our employees with complete peace of mind. Essentially, SafeRec allows umbrella companies committed to compliance, like Churchill Knight Umbrella, to prove they abide by UK laws and can be trusted – which is fantastic.”

“SafeRec is also extremely beneficial for all of our partnered recruitment agencies. We can provide our partners with real-time reporting on the payslips we’ve processed for their candidates. This will help agencies ensure they’re referring candidates to a responsible umbrella that values compliance while ensuring they abide by the Criminal Finances Act and other important legislation.”

“Churchill Knight Umbrella has always prioritised compliance and service, and we’re proud to be an accredited member of the FCSA. However, by becoming a SafeRec Certified Umbrella Company, I’m confident our umbrella employees and partnered agencies will agree that we provide them with unrivalled value and a service they can entirely rely on.”

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