When you register with a SafeRec Certified Umbrella Company (like Churchill Knight Umbrella), you will have access to Payslip Buddy, which is part of SafeRec. Before we explain what Payslip Buddy is and how it works, we’ll summarise what SafeRec is.

In 2023, Churchill Knight Umbrella became one of the first SafeRec Certified Umbrella Companies. Simply put, SafeRec is revolutionising transparency within the contractor payroll sector. Every employee of a SafeRec Certified Umbrella Company will be issued with a payslip audit – every time they are paid. Powered by AI, these payslip audits will review all the figures and deductions on your umbrella company payslip. Payslip Buddy (the software that analyses payslips) will alert the entire supply chain if a payslip audit flags unscrupulous activity. Therefore, umbrella companies with SafeRec Certification have nowhere to hide, and their employees benefit from total transparency because they can be sure they’re being paid compliantly.

Upon joining a SafeRec Certified Umbrella Company, you’ll be given access to Payslip Buddy – online software that allows you up upload payslips with a couple of clicks and generate an automated, AI-powered payslip audit which will review all of the figures on your payslip. Churchill Knight Umbrella employees will be sent an email from Payslip Buddy when they are paid for the first time. This email will contain the information needed to access Payslip Buddy and receive automated payslip emails via email moving forward.

Payslip Buddy “detects tax fraud and other unlawful practices, helping you protect the fruit of your labour.” It also “helps you understand the net pay received in your bank account” and “helps you keep your chosen umbrella company by providing weekly reports to your agency/end client, to prove that your umbrella is 100% compliant.”

If you are not using a SafeRec Certified Umbrella Company for your payroll, you may wish to reconsider and join one at your earliest convenience. SafeRec puts the power of compliance in your hands because you can be fully confident that you’re being paid compliantly and transparently. Non-compliant umbrella companies have nowhere to hide.

Churchill Knight Umbrella employees have access to Payslip Buddy. If you have any questions about how it works and the payslip audits you have access to, please call 01707 669026 or contact us via the form on this webpage. More information is available here.

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