SafeRec is revolutionising compliance within the contractor payroll sector. Until now, contractors and freelancers had to trust their umbrella company was paying them compliantly. There are prestigious professional accreditations in the industry, including the FCSA. However, despite the FCSA’s regular audits and reviews on their accredited members (to ensure they adhere to the FCSA’s own Codes of Compliance), it is still the members’ responsibility to operate compliantly. We’re proud to be FCSA accredited, but SafeRec helps us add another layer of transparency to our service, as explained below.

SafeRec puts compliance in the hands of the contractor because there is nowhere for non-compliant umbrella companies to hide. Every time a SafeRec Certified Umbrella Company pays a temporary worker, they have access to a payslip audit (provided by Payslip Buddy – the software provided by SafeRec). Powered by AI, the payslip audits review all the figures and deductions on umbrella company payslips – to ensure they are accurate and comply with UK tax law. Any anomalies or unexplained deductions are flagged, and the entire supply chain is made aware. Therefore, non-compliant umbrella companies have nowhere to hide and employees of SafeRec Certified Umbrella Companies have total transparency when paid.

Churchill Knight Umbrella is proud to be a SafeRec Certified Umbrella Company. We have always been committed to compliance and transparency, and our FCSA membership means a great deal to us. By adding SafeRec to our professional certifications, our employees can use our service knowing they’re receiving a compliant service and that no unethical practices are being undertaken.

Upon becoming a SafeRec Certified Umbrella Company, Ciaran Woodcock, a Director at Churchill Knight Umbrella, said:

“SafeRec is capable of identifying suspicious activity, such as salary skimming. With the industry having undergone recent scrutiny, this is extremely valuable and will provide our employees with complete peace of mind.

Essentially, SafeRec allows umbrella companies committed to compliance, like Churchill Knight Umbrella, to prove they abide by UK laws and can be trusted – which is fantastic.”

He also added:

“Churchill Knight operates compliantly and in the best interests of our employees. However, saying this is one thing, but now we can prove it – every time we run payroll for a worker. It’s truly revolutionary and a certification everyone at Churchill Knight is exceptionally proud to have obtained.”

For more information about SafeRec, please click here. You can see Churchill Knight Umbrella’s official SafeRec Certification listing by visiting the SafeRec website.

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